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Let’s get moving! Findings from the WHO Global Physical Activity Report 2022.

2022-10-28 07:50 Useful
According to the World Health Organisation Global status report on physical activity 2022, only 23% of adults and 19% of adolescents are at the recommended level of physical activity.

Only 23% of American adults perform the minimum amount of physical activity — 150 minutes per week. More than 85% of girls and 77% of boys aged 11 to 17 spend less than 1 hour per day at the recommended activity level.

In countries with high per capita income, 36.8% of the population is classified as physically inactive. In low-income countries, only 16.8% are physically inactive.

This trend has been especially accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. If the current trend continues, by 2030 the world will see an exponential increase — of up to 500 million cases — in the following diseases:

  • hypertension
  • type 2 diabetes
  • stroke
  • cancers
  • depression
  • dementia

The cost of their treatment will amount to over $300 bln.

The minimum recommended levels of activity, according to WHO, are:

  • 150–300 minutes per week of active physical activity for an adult
  • 60 minutes a day of activities for children and teenagers
  • 2 strength workouts per week for adults
  • 3 days/trainings for coordination and balance per week for the older adults

At the same time, the penetration of digital technologies and the use of wearable devices (health and sports wearables, sports watches) are taking place at a faster pace in the world. 39% of US consumers use fitness trackers. Most prefer trackers that count steps (59%) and assess fitness levels (42%).

Mobile services and applications that allow ordinary people to plan and receive recommendations for such types of physical activity as running, walking, cycling are gaining more and more value. The most important elements here are the individualisation of recommendations and tracking of physical condition.

The greatest growth in the use of physical health, sports and fitness mobile services and applications occurs in low-income countries. Particularly notable is South-East Asia, where the penetration rate of such services is 73%. In other regions of the world it is less than 50%.

The App allows you to engage in various types of physical activity (running, fitness, cycling) for various purposes (improving physical fitness, preparing for competitions). Built-in AI algorithms provide a high level of individualisation and adaptability, taking into account individual fitness level and personal preferences. app supports integration with most wearable devices, tracks and clearly demonstrates changes in physical form.

Stay active and healthy.
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