OMY! Sports News

How to accumulate energy and not to race with cotton legs.

2024-04-23 16:45 Useful Planning
The 2 weeks before the start are usually the most anxious. It is a period of reduced volume and intensity of training. For many, they last forever, and beginners perceive them with complaints.

To the start line on cotton legs.

If the training has gone according to plan, then 3–4 weeks before the start you are used to running a lot and fast (for yourself). This new state of the body causes a desire to prolong the success and continue in the same spirit, going to the start line on cotton legs.

The fear of rest.

Hard-works-pays-off mantra works only with rest. In the case of a running race, no rest means poor performance. In endurqnce training, it’s the mitochondria that moves you further and longer. The higher the stored energy and battery charge, the better the result. Physical fitness can’t be bought, it builds up slowly and requires patience. It is important not to spill the potential accumulated by months of training and to bring it safely to the start.

How does volume grow?

As you run and train, your body gets used to the new training load. It doesn’t happen immediately and sometimes imperceptibly. Running volume grows from week to week, on average at a rate of about 10%. This growth is not linear, but more like an upward wave-shaped curve, where weeks of volume growth are combined with weeks of recovery. Gradually, the load on the body grows, approaching a limit beyond which it is better not to go. This happens 3–4 weeks before the start. And then the curve of volume and intensity smoothly decreases 2 weeks before the start.

Fitness goes up — form goes down.

As you approach peak volume your fitness increases and your form bottoms. You are under stress. Yes, you’ve learned how to handle the distance, but you can’t run really fast — your batteries are almost completely drained. You have 2 weeks to recharge to the max.

Taper is the time to recharge your batteries.

Just like with a car battery, running batteries are charged during rest or easy running. In 2 weeks of reduced volume and intensity, your running battery is able to recharge fully. What does it give in practice?
  • accelerates cell regeneration,
  • stores glycogen in the muscles,
  • relieves fatigue,
  • builds freshness.
In 2 weeks of unloading, the accumulated fitness level will be maintained and your form will peak. You will now be able to run really fast and long.

Running “hunger”.

Besides purely functional improvements, 2 weeks of taper acts like 2 weeks without coffee (put your favorite something). You want to drink your usual 2–3 cups every day, but it’s gone and you really want it. You suffer without coffee, you save up the desire, and along with it grows the effect of the first cup drunk after the break. The best way to race is to approach the start line hungry for running with accumulated energy. And bang! That’s when you can run really fast.
Train wisely with OMY! Sports.