OMY! Sports News

Best Running presents for the 8 of March 🌸

2023-03-06 21:00 Useful
This Wednesday, in many countries worldwide, women will be shining and smiling the whole day long regardless! March, 8 delivers us an official holiday which was fixed by the UN around 50 years ago paying tribute to the first movements for women’s rights and revolutionizing women workers’ demonstration in the former ‘Petrograd’ for getting the vote in 1917. Also, 50 years ago - the 1972 Boston marathon marked the first official participation of women in such a race. Though the advocating of women’s rights in the political arena has yet to reach its best times - in sports, fortunately, - the progress had grown exponentially and undeniably positive over the past century - which is worth recognizing and celebrating.

Here is to the International Women’s Day!

Speaking of celebration - we took the courage to address the puzzling question of how to get a beautiful present that fits the occasion AND actually helps to stay fit! We do not argue that ordinary things like flowers, nice foods, etc. are not enough to express admiration or make someone’s day brighter - very often small actions make great moments just as milliseconds make great records. Our task is to only give you ideas and hopefully allow you more time to enjoy the day itself!

So, what’s on the list?

1.Compression running belt - not like any other belts - this is (surprisingly) a very functional gear to carry phone, water, food, and even a light wind jacket - all stay put and hardly noticed while running.

2.Running buff

  • prevents from getting cold when running in cool temperatures, regulates heat;
  • can ‘simulate’ hypoxia - being of advantage by improving oxygen transportation to peripheral tissues as if in altitude training;
  • serves as a neck warmer, hat, convertible face towel, accessory, your variant?;
  • available in all colors and a variety of patterns - make a fashionable statement!

Unisex Performance Shield Halswärmer

3.Gamache: snow or slush, mountains or mud - keep the feet dry and the weather not to interfere with the training goals.

inov-8 Debris Gaiter 32

4.Resistance bands

Simply put, these are one of the best friends of a runner. A resistance band engages stabilization muscles which support large muscles and joints as we move. And the more we move, the more stabilization we need - hence our stabilizers should be trained enough not to exhaust early and break everything down. Not to say that they are injury-free and are a truly universal exercising tool - all you do with dumbbells can be exercised with the right band with an increase in gain.


There are different types available, but our advice is Power & Mobility Bands. To help you know what to choose, bands are often color-coded universally among the brads - like yellow for light, and black for heavy. For diving deeper, here is a video:

Resistance Bands - How to Choose & Best Exercises!

5.Go do a joint run or sign up for a local women’s run!Obvious, right? 😇

We cannot recommend it enough! Probably soon you will get a running mate..or a decent competitor for your next race - isn’t it the best motivation?

Here we are - reminding you about a great occasion to celebrate women, enjoy beautiful spring, have a very needed time off, and, notwithstanding, complete a ‘no-excuse’ running workout.

👂 Do not hesitate to get one of the things above for yourself as well - let’s double the fun and train together! Or mark your calendar for a come-back before the winter season following International Men’s Day#nbsp;on November, 19.

Your OMY! Sports Team 🌸