Running usually works in the opposite way : beginners start right off the couch and finish as quickly as they started. Some start running 5 times a week at once. Others think — the faster the better. And they run till they are done. Such “heroism” usually ends in full stop by the 2nd week. And it is still good if there is neither strength nor desire to continue training. Lots of people hurt themselves — old Achilles, high blood pressure issues or knee problems have their effect. And that’s it, your running career is going down the drain.
Running is a marathon, not a sprint. A quick start guarantees an epic fail. You simply will not make it to the finish line and will not reach your goal. Whether it’s weight loss, health improvement, or athletic performance. But how, then, is the right way to start? “How much of a running volume and running pace is good for me?”
In the beginning, it is important to determine your level. Is it A1, B1 or maybe C2? A running level is a combination of 3 main parts: heart rate, running pace (speed) and running volume in kilometers per week. The main ones are heart rate and volume, followed by pace (min/km) of the run.
When you start running, pay attention to your current heart rate and the distance. We recommend that everyone, without exception, use a heart rate chest strap connected to your watch, sport tracker or phone for running. Run and check your heart rate every 5 minutes. And of course, record the workout. After your run, you can share your running track on Strava and check your heart rate.
Do you know heart rate level, that you should run 80% of your workouts? That’s around 74% of your maximum heart rate.
Why is it so? It’s just that running like this allows you to achieve the main goals of running: improves health, reduces weight and lays the foundation for athletic performance.
What if you run far above this level? The farther (or higher) your heart rate is from this level, the bigger is the risk of getting an injury, undermining your immunity, and stop running at all. That’s why this intensive running (80–95% of maximum HR) should comprise <20% of your overall running volume.
Don’t know your maximum heart rate yet? There are many ways to evaluate it. Ask your doctor, your coach or simply Google. Feeling that running on the pulse rate “75% of the maximum” is not running at all, but just brisk walking? So, while running up to the present, you have made one of the mistakes described above. Start running slowly to finally learn how to run faster.
These “secrets” of the beginning period guarantee you the success and enjoyment of your jogging hobby. We hope that you have enough enthusiasm to spend a little patience at the very beginning, moving on to more varied and interesting workouts (intervals, fartlek, progressive and pace running, etc.) without “surprises”. Here you will be able to demonstrate what your body is capable of. But only after enough of preparation in the beginning.
The question is how to determine when this preparatory period ends and faster running begins. Here you have to figure it out by yourself or try to try running with coach.
OMY! Sports is a great value for money! First 2 slow weeks for free. And then let the fun begin — at a price of coffee cup per month ☕️