OMY! Sports News

How to race with injured Achilles and beat expectations?

2022-04-29 10:49 Stories
The world is shaking, but race season has inevitably begun. With it begins season of cool photos and fun stories about impressions and achievements at various distances and events.

Alex kicks-off with his story about early season racing with an injured Achilles. If you can’t, but really want to, then you can 😂

“I generally planned some kind of breakthrough in my running. While training I managed to run 1 km under 4 min for the first time. 

But few things come easy and after a long run in early April I got Achilles tendinitis…

My first race (sprint triathlon) was planned on 23rd of April. And I couldn’t miss it. So I didn't really listen to my OMY! Sports coach saying not to start.

The start was an adventure. Swimming in the pool, bike leg at +9C, where I fell, but without much damage.

In general, by the beginning of the running, I was already angry and full of adrenaline. And there is still 5 km of running ahead on one leg 🤦‍♂️

All I could do was relax and try to enjoy the rest of the race.

And let me tell you, running at a heart rate of 140 in competition is a special pleasure. I joked with all the volunteers, ate and drank everything, smiled in all the photos, danced with cheerleaders and posed for pictures.

Epic race that was. Definitely above my expectations!

Now I should take care of Achilles and wait for the next races!”

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