OMY! Sports News

AI-coach vs. copied training plan

2022-02-21 16:06 New features
How does a training plan usually look like, downloaded from the Internet?

⁃ Easy run 20 minutes in the second HR zone with an effort of 2–3/10
⁃ 6 quick runs of 30 seconds through jogging 60 seconds
⁃ Cooldown 20 min
⁃ Stretching 10 min

Questions immediately arise: easy running — how is it? How to know your heart rate zones? What does it mean to run at 2–3/10 effort? Why in minutes and not in kilometers? Fast — is it the maximum? What is cooldown? What kind of stretching exercises should I do? Such formulations in the training plan mislead us, there are more questions than answers.

In the training plan, everything should be clear and understandable. In the OMY! Sports App, we use clear workout descriptions. By using your fitness data, we build a detailed individual training plan.

👉🏻 You will always know your weekly training volume in kilometers.

👉🏻 What distance do you have to run in each specific workout.

👉🏻 At what pace (min/km) to warm up, run intervals and tempo work.

👉🏻 At what exact HR (bpm) you should do each part of the workout.

👉🏻 How long is the interval of speed and rest in meters.

👉🏻 With what power (watts) to pedal 🚲.

👉🏻 What exercises develop leg strength or core. How to do stretch and recovery. All in video format.

👉🏻 And if you have any questions, you can always contact your coach in Chat.

No more copied plans! Personal AI-based coaching for you and your goals. 🏃🏻🚲.