OMY! Sports News

Challenge Roth and Frodeno’s DNF

2022-07-07 16:51 Stories
Whatever your goals are, make sure your coach:

✅ has good plan and supports you,
✅ pays attention to your health
✅ prioritises your goals

Challenge Roth (3.8 km swimming, 180 km cycling, 42.2 km running) took place last weekend. It’s one of the most famous triathlon races, where Ironman World Champion contenders collide.

24-year-old Magnus Ditlev from Denmark won the race, by completing it in 7 hours and 35 minutes. He swam 3.8 km in 50 min 44 sec, rode 180 km at an average speed of almost 45 km/h and ran a marathon in 2 hours 40 min (average pace 3:47 min/km). Phenomenal.

On the 3rd kilometer of running, he overtook 40-year-old Jan Frodeno, the legend of the world triathlon, Olympic champion in 2008 in Beijing, and Ironman world champion in 2015, 2016, and 2019.

Jan Frodeno is the GOAT in the world of triathlon. Like Michael Jordan in basketball.

Jan is no longer a boy and his results are highly dependent on health and fitness. Frodeno was well prepared and fit but did not fully recover from the Achilles tendon injury.

Dan Lorang, Frodeno’s coach suggested an appropriate race plan. Jan was free to perform at maximum on swim and bike but had to decide if to continue or not on the run.

This flexible and highly individual approach allowed him to focus on priorities: to stay healthy and keep high chances of performing at Ironman World Championship in October 2022. Everything else, including the results of Challenge Roth, is secondary.

We are sure that this approach not only supported Frodeno, gave him a choice, but also removed the moral burden of a possible DNF.

He was the leader in swimming and cycling (as planned), but stopped running at the 3rd kilometre of the marathon.

“We knew that there was a risk to come to the competition today so he agreed to the whole team to say ‘okay, if I feel on a pain scale from one to ten, a four or five then I’ll go out” said Frodeno. “So I think for sure he felt something and just stuck to the plan and knew now was the time to be clever and pull out and be ready for Kona.” — confirmed Dan Lorang, the athlete’s coach.

“DNF is not an option” is one of the triathlon mantras. It is difficult to make such decisions alone. “But there was the plan behind this — we talked about it in front of the race. There was the possibility and I think that’s why he was able to take the decision. But for sure it was not easy for him.”

We wish Frodeno good health, recovery, and successful performance in Hawaii in October.

Train properly, achieve your goals and stay healthy.

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